We at AnimSchool are here to help people in the 3D field improve at their craft. AnimSchool consists of dozens of super-talented animators, modeler, and riggers, ready to review your work and make suggestions.
Many AnimSchool instructors review the animations.
The character models are reviewed by Dave Gallagher:
“For about four films, I supervised the aesthetic and  performance aspects of character models and rigs at Blue Sky Studios, where I worked for nearly 11 years as an animator, rigger, and Character Development Supervisor. I often know how to make bad models and shapes good, and good ones great. I’m even pickier about facial expressions. And I’m a solid film animator too.
Being an animator helped me to change them to make appealing, emoting, expressive animation. And my fellow animator/bloggers know pretty well about animation too!”
So here’s a deal for you:
Send us your model for the free
3D Appeal Makeover!

Or send us your animation for a free

AnimSchool Review!
just like the ones you see here.

Periodically, we will choose one of our readers’ entries to review and make suggestions, or edit and infuse more appeal!
For models, we hand it back to you for free.

You retain all rights, but we will make a blog post about the changes –post pictures and/or video but not the actual file– and why we felt the new version is more appealing. By submitting the art, you grant us the right to show it and our Makeover version in our AnimSchool promotional material.

To enter, send an email to us (below) with your entry.