Category: acting essentials

Reacting is acting

The thought process reveals the feeling. Sometimes it can be shown with a single, held drawing or simple move. Other times there should be gestures, body moves, or full action. Determine which is best in each case.”

(The Illusion of Life, p. 507)

When animation acting shots, many animators struggle when deciding how to pose a character. One of the mistakes newer animators do is to have the character always moving. But sometimes the best acting choice is to let the character react;  to either the situation in the environment, or another character. 

When working on a dialogue shot, animators should think of your character’s reactions, and not just actions. 

“There is an inherent danger in animating scenes of inner struggle, because most attempts to achieve clear, concise communication cause the character to overact badly and lose credibility. “
(The Illusion of Life, p.482)

For a better understanding of how to built up a good reaction, check out this lesson from our Animating Appeal and Entertainment instructor, Mitch Yager.

AnimSchool Classtime: Acting Essentials

In AnimSchool’s Character Performance class, Instructor Garrett Shikuma, lists 10 Acting Essentials to think of, when planning your animation test.

Garrett continued his lesson by showing different film clips, illustrating points made in his lecture.