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AnimSchool’s Class – Pose Analysis Tony Bonilla

In AnimSchool’s Class – Animating Characters, Character Animator at Walt Disney Animation Studios Tony Bonilla analyzes some of the best animated works and explains reasons behind every decision. He even shows some of his own professional work.


This is just a small sample of the quality of education our students get.
Come join all the students learning online at AnimSchool

AnimSchool’s New Character, Mikey!

For Immediate Release

Orem, UT  United States – June 25, 2014 — AnimSchool
announces today their new character, Mikey. Mikey is a film-quality boy rig. Mikey is exclusively for AnimSchool students.

Like all AnimSchool character rigs, Mikey is designed for maximum
flexibility and appealing poses. Animating with the most refined, advanced
characters allows AnimSchool student
work to stand out among competitors. AnimSchool Character students can
use Mikey and the other advanced character rigs to learn the arts of high-end modeling and rigging.

Mikey has clothing options: two shirts, pants, shorts, shoes, poseable toes, and UV’s for textured rendering.

Student Work: Carlos Rivas and Orkun Sanal

AnimSchool students are using Mikey in their animation assignments, enjoying his natural appeal. They appreciate having access to best rigs and tools available, making their animation work more enjoyable.

Here are some of their comments about Mikey:
“This is quality!” 
 “He is so cute. 
Oh man!!!! I can not wait to play with this character.”

AnimSchool characters are used by more
than 20,000 users worldwide, and have been used to win numerous
animation contests and for commercial needs. AnimSchool is known as the
most trusted name for appealing 3D characters.

With over 200 students, AnimSchool
was founded in 2010 to bring character-focused 3D animation instruction
to students all around the world, through live online sessions with the best film professionals.

Isaac Nordlund
560 South State Street, Suite F3
Orem, UT 84058

801 765-7677


Animschool Introduction to Game Animation

In our very first Introduction to Game Animation class, students had a chance to learn from very skillful animator Jarrod Showers (Carbine Studios), responsible for 12 AAA titles including Star Wars: Jedi Academy, X Men: Origins: Wolverine, Wolfenstein, Doom 4 and his latest title Wildstar that has been published couple days ago.

Students got to work with rigs that meet all industry standards. They were created to prepare the students to work at any serious gaming studio. Their task was to create a situation or conflict between two characters and do all required animation. They finished the term with a Demo Reel that had all the animation required to apply for a job in the gaming industry.

Not only that – they are also prepared to deal with short deadlines, pressure and critiques on their work, as we strongly feel that every student that finishes Animschool represent us at their future studios.
                                                  Robert Joseph Vicks – Elwood Animations


What are the challenges that 3D character animators deal when switching to game animation?

I feel the biggest challenges that 3d character animators deal with when switching to game animation is the speed at which you must work. Game animators must often times turn in rough animations in order to test out and get implemented in time. It’s important to learn shortcuts and ways to speed up your workflow. Since there are other departments that depend on each other to stay on schedule, it’s important to not be a blocker to anyone, even if that means coming back to a rough animation later on in the production schedule.
Some people consider game animation easier and less detailed – what do you think about this?
Even though game animations tend to be shorter and with a focus on body mechanics, that just means there is more to convey in a small amount of time. Every frame counts!
It’s important to understand also that being a game animator involves much more that just animating. A large amount of time is spent problem solving that requires a technical side as well.
We just have to ask – do you play games that you’ve worked on?
I do! Some of my fondest memories are of inviting friends over to play co-op together! I think it’s important for game developers to be able to work on projects that they can stand behind, because if they are having fun making the game, that will show in the final product.
What were the assignments that students had to do in order to complete the term?
Students were asked to create the essential animations required for every game animator’s demo reel, which include: walk or run, idle cycles, a player and enemy attack, jumps, pains, and a death. In many assignments, students are given choices so that everyone’s creativity can shine and differentiate themselves from each other.

What awaits the animators in the next term?
Some really exciting things are planned for next term as students move more into the realm of the Game Engine pipeline, using Unity! Students will be asked to import their animations to the engine in order to see for themselves the principals that have been taught.
Another exciting thing to look forward to is the introduction of the first Game Animation quadruped!There are many plans for this course as it continues to develop!
Do you feel our students are a step closer to the job in the gaming industry?
I feel that students are in fact closer to getting a job in the gaming industry with this course. The instructors keep a close eye on staying current with the gaming industry and want to pass along inside information on creating a streamlined path to employment. Students will get back what effort they put into the course by setting goals and staying focused on getting that job!

                                                              Andrej Jagar – Rock and Elwood Animations

AnimSchool Webcast: David Williams

In Part 1 of AnimSchool’s Webcast Lead animator on The Lego Movie David Williams discusses the time he spent working on this movie. He shares his experience and motivation that led him to inspire life in Lego characters that are anything but simple.

AnimSchool Classtime: Body Mechanics on a side step with Thom Roberts

In this clip, Blue Sky animator and AnimSchool instructor Thom Roberts helps to figure out how the body mechanics on a side step work. Watch it below:

This is a clip from AnimSchool’s class Introduction to Animation, the first term of the 3D Animation Program. To find out more, go to and apply now!

AnimSchool Announces New Gaming Courses

AnimSchool announces today our three new gaming courses:

  • Introduction to Gaming Animation
  • Game Animation Pipeline
  • Advanced Game Animation

Game animation students learn the animations, tools, and skills specifically required for working in games.

Students learn about game theory, interaction, working with game engines, importing animation into Unity, and working in game cinematics.

AnimSchool animation students can now choose a gaming emphasis, replacing animation classes 5,6 and 7, or take them after completing the program.

AnimSchool is known around the world for flexible, appealing characters. Over 20,000 people around the world use our AnimSchool Picker and “Malcolm” character, which has been used for commercials, short films, and to win dozens of animation awards.

AnimSchool students can learn modeling and rigging as well as animation.
Come join the over 200 students learning with us.

Marnie 2.0

Today AnimSchool announces Marnie 2.0, a new version of Marnie with mix and match outfits, like the ones shown here, and other rig and model improvements.

Using AnimSchool Picker, students can turn on and off entire costumes or individual parts. You can even make her barefoot, since she has poseable toes!

AnimSchool specializes in appealing characters, from our world re-knowned “Malcolm” character to Coach to Scout.

Students have been using Marnie 2.0 in their animation assignments this term, and enjoying the many clothing options.

Marnie is exclusively for AnimSchool students. To use Marnie and learn
from our amazing instructors, apply to be an AnimSchool student. Come
join the hundreds of students and dozens of world-class instructors at AnimSchool!

You can see lots of student examples on our facebook page:


AnimSchool Classtime: Gesture Drawing for Animation

In AnimSchool’s 3D Animation Program, instructor Mark Behm shows how to do simplified gesture drawings for planning your animation.

New AnimSchool Animation Student Showcase

AnimSchool presents the latest animation student work! Congratulations to all the talented students at AnimSchool.
Look for a separate modeling/rigging Showcase later!
To apply to be a student, visit

Environmental Modeling Class!

Apply at

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