Category: Mike Mattesi

AnimSchool Classtime: Mechanics of the Forearm

AnimSchool Instructor, Mike Mattesi, explains the mechanics of the Radius and Ulna, and shows how understanding anatomy helps you in drawing the figure.

Come join all the students learning online at AnimSchool. Visit, for classes starting January 2, 2013.

AnimSchool Classtime: Creating Appeal with Directional Force

AnimSchool Instructor, Mike Mattesi, shows how to draw an appealing pose by using the force of straight to curved lines.

AnimSchool offers Mike Mattesi’s drawing class to all students signed up for current terms. This term Mike is focusing on Force in Anatomy.

AnimSchool Classtime: Tools for Character Design

AnimSchool Instructor, Mike Mattesi, does an exercise showing how to use grids as a starting point for character design.

AnimSchool Classtime: Rhythm in the Figure

AnimSchool Instructor, Mike Mattesi, talks about the benefits of drawing and finding rhythm in the figure.

AnimSchool Classtime: Artistic Style

Any student enrolled at AnimSchool is welcome to join Mike Mattesi for a lecture in drawing, followed by a critique for anyone who wants to submit a drawing or animation. In his class earlier this week, Mike shared some advice he got from his mentor, Klaus Janson, about personal artistic style.

AnimSchool Classtime: Drawing With “Force”

AnimSchool welcomes Mike Mattesi to the team. In his first class, Mike explains his new role at AnimSchool and dives right into drawing over students’ work to show “force” in a pose.

All AnimSchool students are welcome to be a part of Mike Mattesi’s class and have their drawings and animations reviewed.