Category: Character design

AnimSchool Classtime: Developing a character with Bill Robinson

In today’s clip instructor Bill Robinson gives us tips on how to develop a character based on references. He also tackles on how to build basic perspective for your characters. Enjoy!

AnimSchool offers extra classes each term for it’s students. This is a clip from the Character Design and Drawing class with artist Bill Robinson. Go check our full list of courses and apply now!

AnimSchool Classtime: Tools for Character Design

AnimSchool Instructor, Mike Mattesi, does an exercise showing how to use grids as a starting point for character design.

AnimSchool Webcast: Tom Bancroft, Part 4

In part 4 from AnimSchool’s live webcast with Tom Bancroft, Tom discusses Tilts, Flow and Rhythm, and the importance of having the three in poses and character designs.

For more tips from Tom Bancroft, check out his new book on character poses: Character Mentor. In stores now!

AnimSchool Webcast: Tom Bancroft, Part 1

Last Tuesday, AnimSchool hosted a live webcast with 2D Animator, Tom Bancroft. In Part One of this webcast, Tom reviews his over 25 years of experience in the animation industry, discussing his projects at Disney, and what led him to write his character design book: “Creating Characters with Personality.”

In upcoming Part Two, Tom Bancroft shares stories about working on Disney’s “Mulan,” and discusses the process of designing Mushu.