Last night, we had a fantastic webcast meeting with Jeff Gabor, animator at Blue Sky Studios and animator on the popular AnimSchool “Animation Principles” video!

He animated that VERY expertly done shot of Sir Isaac Newton jumping up and getting ready to fight.

Jeff was the main Character Lead Animator for the film Rio’s Linda character, and has animated on many Blue Sky Studios films. Some of the most beloved shots in Horton Hears A Who, for example, were animated by Jeff!

Jeff talked about the process he uses when animating. He has become well known for his fine acting skills and exceptional use of video reference to take the animation acting to a higher level. Jeff has taken video reference to the next level, and popularized its use throughout the 3D animation field.

There were many in attendance (and some who regrettably received the wrong information about the start time!) as well as hundreds who registered to watch the recording of the event. Both AnimSchool students and onlookers can watch the event for the next 7 days, after which only AnimSchool students will be able to watch it.

To see the recording, register here: